Creator's Blog: FAQ: Why Tequila?
Photo by Daniel Gutiérrez
It has been a joy this past year to travel around the country this to host tastings and introduce people to the taste of Monita Tequila. My favorite thing to do is watch for reactions when anyone tries my blanco tequila for the first time. Oftentimes there's a bit of skepticism when I hand a pure shot of tequila to someone. Oh no! Tequila's too strong for me, I often hear. But after a few gentle nudges I get to see the surprise and eventual joy on their face as they enjoy their first sip.
Afterwards many are curious about how this brand got started. In my conversations across the country I'm asked some of the same questions again and again. The most common one being: Why tequila?
Why Tequila?
When I turned drinking age I had no clue about what made a drink good, I just wanted to enjoy the taste. I started out with super sweet cocktails like Amaretto Sour or Sex on the Beach, but as I got older that sugary taste would leave me with a sick hangover the next day. I needed a go-to drink that I could enjoy on nights out without regretting it the next day. I didn't (and still don't) drink dark liquor so that left me with the clear spirits: Rum, Vodka, or Tequila.
Rum was often associated with sweet cocktails - which I was trying to avoid - so I turned to the other two. I did enjoy sipping on a Lemon Drop Martini, made with vodka, but, sadly, I came across way too many bartenders who didn't know how to make it properly. I was still in search of a go-to drink that I could feel confident ordering no matter the bar and that's around the time when the Skinny Margarita hit the cocktail scene.
There was this push for low-calorie cocktail choices and the Skinny Margarita quickly became a hit. The recipe was simple: tequila, lime juice, and agave nectar plus the calories were low: about 150. Even after I stopped counting calories the classic margarita has remained my cocktail of choice. My love of margaritas were solidified when my friends and I started the tradition of frequenting happy hours at local Mexican restaurants in DC.
Serita and a friend with a mega margarita in DC, 2013
The Monita and Tequila Connection
It wasn't just at bars and restaurants where I held the tradition of sharing memories over margaritas with friends, I would make them at home too! Since all you needed were those 3 key ingredients, I had my own trusted recipe where I didn't even need to measure. I loved hosting people at my house and my mom was my most frequent visitor. She would come over after work or on weekends and before sitting down to watch a show or a movie I would mix up two margaritas (hers a bit sweeter and mine a bit stronger 😄).
My mom wasn't a big drinker but she wanted something that was easy to drink when she did treat herself to an adult beverage. Before switching to margaritas she'd opt for wine coolers or Sutter Home Moscato, which weren't always available when we would go out, so once I brought her over to Team Marg that became our tradition as well.
Margaritas Around the World
After relocating from Maryland to DC I sought out to find the best margarita in my area. Cocktail culture wasn't as big in Europe when I moved over 7 years ago. Beer, wine, and mixed drinks like vodka soda or rum and coke were the most commonly available drinks, especially in Berlin where beer is a huge part of the culture. I could no longer order a margarita with the confidence that the bartender would have the ingredients to make it (lime also wasn't a big thing) or be capable of making it well. It pains me to think about the various sour, tart, or syrupy margaritas I've had over the years.
It took several failed attempts to order a margarita that was enjoyable to drink but after taste testing at most of the bars in my neighborhood, Friedrichshain, I found the sweet spot at one of the most authentic Mexican restaurants in Berlin, which has since closed. Whenever my friends or coworkers wanted suggestions for places to gather I would suggest one of the Mexican restaurants I found that not only served delicious drinks but amazing food as well. Even though I left Berlin over 3 years ago, my friends sometimes still gather to spend time over a round of margaritas.
Serita's friends pouring frozen margarita at a Mexican restaurant in Berlin, 2019
What Tequila Means to Me
My love for margaritas, and its main ingredient tequila, goes beyond the taste. To me, tequila represents a reason to celebrate. Whether it's meeting for birthdays, happy hours, major milestones, or just because, once the tequila starts flowing the laughs get going and the worries get further away.
Traditionally blanco tequila is thrown back as a quick shot - mainly to avoid the pain that comes with the less-than-pleasant taste. Monita Tequila isn't a traditional blanco. No matter how you like your tequila, this blanco profile was designed to give you an enjoyable sipping experience.
When creating this flavor profile with the Tequila Technician at Tequila Spirits Mexico I had one person in mind to get the taste right: my mom. The I'm-not-a-big-drinker drinker. She would have loved the way that this soothes as it goes down. The only thing that would top the experience of reaching the 1 year anniversary of Monita Tequila would be to share it with her.
Monita Tequila was created to give people a reason to gather with their favorite people over a round of their favorite tequila to make cocktails, make the most of their time together, and make memories. Or, if you're like my grandfather you prefer to sip your shot solo while relaxing outside on the deck after a long day. There's no wrong way as long as you drink responsibly. 😉